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Masks are Weird

The longer this covid “epidemic” has gone on, the more weird that it seems. I find mask wearing bizarre. First of all, do people really think that homemade cloth masks offer much protection? And second, what does mask wearing say about you and your relationships?

You can find studies proving and disproving mask effectiveness. I believe that certain masks do offer protection and even a layer of cloth protects others from being coughed and sneezed on. But what are the risks of wearing masks?

I’m hearing of rashes and staph infections developing where people have to wear masks for long periods of time. Obviously, they are having serious complications.

We hardly go places that require masks so my kids usually only wear them for an hour or so for church once a week. I think masks on children are quite gross. They end up dropping them on the floor, slobbering inside of them and touching them constantly with their hands. Masks harbor bacteria and should be washed quite often. In fact, if you really want to be safe it would be best to put on a fresh mask every half hour.

For myself, I don’t mind the mask very much. I have one that is quite comfortable. I can breath easily and it even keeps my face warm in the frigid temperatures.

But what does mask wearing say to those around us? People disagree with this as much as whether or not they are effective.

When I go out shopping or to church I wear a mask out of compliance. I don’t think it is helping me at all. I don’t go anywhere sick so I don’t think wearing a mask while I am healthy is protecting anyone else. Masks are pointless in my opinion (unless you are sick and trying to keep from sneezing and coughing on others.)

I look around at all the people around me wearing masks and wonder “are they just complying like me? Or are they scared and clinging to the hope that masks and six feet apart will keep them safe?”

It is hard to read people who wear masks. You can’t see their smiles. Maybe they aren’t smiling anymore because no one can see it. I sense fear and apprehension out and about. When I’m in situations where I don’t wear a mask but some people do, then I wonder if they are scared of me. Or maybe they are mad at me for not wearing a mask.

Overall, I don’t like the masks because they are driving a wedge between people.

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