Archive | November 2020

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Religion and Politics

Spiritual warfare is real. Satan is real. I found this interview to be quite interesting.

The Domestic Church

Recently I heard the term “Domestic Church” again. It is something that I wanted to learn more about. First, what is it? Basically, faith starts in the home. Parents are responsible for the early faith formation of their kids. I had always thought that the Church overflowed into family life. But then I realized […]

Finding Catholic Teaching

I’m excited for the CPX series by Father David Nix. A friend recommended his videos and I looked him up. I’m also starting his VLX series as well. I’m excited about learning more about my faith and deepening my relationship with Jesus. Church has been lacking in a lot this year. But that is no […]

Praying the Rosary

Years ago, when I went through RCIA I learned briefly about the Rosary. But I wasn’t taught how to pray it. Since then, I have taught myself how to pray the Rosary. For a long time I just used a brief form of the Rosary that I found in my prayer book. But then I […]

Masks are Weird

The longer this covid “epidemic” has gone on, the more weird that it seems. I find mask wearing bizarre. First of all, do people really think that homemade cloth masks offer much protection? And second, what does mask wearing say about you and your relationships? You can find studies proving and disproving mask effectiveness. I […]