Tag Archive | christianity

Being Thankful in All Circumstances

I feel like I’ve gotten to this really sweet spot. Life is pretty good right now. It’s not perfect. I still have struggles. But I’m really enjoying myself and feeling good overall. The world is in chaos around me. But I feel like I know this secret. I have a purpose that goes beyond this […]

The Domestic Church

Recently I heard the term “Domestic Church” again. It is something that I wanted to learn more about. First, what is it? Basically, faith starts in the home. Parents are responsible for the early faith formation of their kids. http://www.domesticchurchinstitute.com/what-is-the-domestic-church.html I had always thought that the Church overflowed into family life. But then I realized […]

Finding Catholic Teaching

I’m excited for the CPX series by Father David Nix. A friend recommended his videos and I looked him up. I’m also starting his VLX series as well. I’m excited about learning more about my faith and deepening my relationship with Jesus. Church has been lacking in a lot this year. But that is no […]

The Book of Acts

My Bible study group has been reading the book of Acts. We’ve read through the first eight chapters so far. Acts is about radical Christianity. It is about supernatural happenings. There is no lukewarm. The people are either hot or cold. First of all, The Holy Spirit comes upon the disciples. It’s not just a […]